Bill Coats Creator of Aloe420
Bill Coats, is a pioneer and researcher, and is considered in many industry circles to be the “Father of Aloe Vera”. He has dedicated over 60 years of his life towards the pursuit of researching the many benefits this miracle plant has to offer. He is recognized as the worlds leading expert on Aloe Vera, having written 7 books including one that is in the United States Congressional Library

His Story
Aloe420, also known as GroAloe, in the agriculture world, was created by Coats Agri-Aloe. The company was founded by Bill C. Coats, a native of Cash, Texas. After high school, Bill served for two years in the Marine Corps then enrolled at the University of Texas in Austin, graduating in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. His studies led him to be interested in the benefits of aloe vera and the problems related to stabilizing it. Those problems included loss of activity in the gel when exposed to oxygen.
Bill opened a pharmacy in Brownfield and continued his research into the 7000-year-old problem of stabilizing aloe vera. Intent on cracking the code so he could bottle the aloe and make it available for regular applications, Bill’s diligence finally paid off. In 1968, he obtained his first patent for what is known as the hand filet method of aloe vera processing. The following year he launched Aloe Vera of America Inc. to produce cosmetics and pharmaceutical consumer products.
In 1974, Bill formed the first aloe vera plantation in Texas to commercially grow his beloved aloe vera plants. It was there that he observed two remarkable properties of amazing succulents—insects weren’t attacking them and they weren’t affected by diseases known to attack other plants. Bill quickly realized if he could somehow combine these two traits and apply them to crops, it would revolutionize the industry…and perhaps even change the world!
Modern farming relies on putting toxic substances inside and on plants, to repel disease and insects. These chemicals are unsafe for the environment, as Bill and other industry professionals were well aware. Riddled with carcinogens, the poisons creep into our soil, our water, our, and ourselves, causing untold damages. Seeking to offer a safe alternative, Bill developed his third patent to produce GroAloe/Aloe420, an effective aloe vera-based agricultural product that unlocks the powerful repelling traits of the plant.